Life Assortment of mini wooden blocks that make perfect gifts for any occasion! We have blocks for nurses, teachers, dads, moms... the list goes on! Get yours before it's gone!
Blocks include:
"Live in the moment" in quotation bubble
"Let the good times flow" in red wine glass
"Today only happens once, make it amazing!" in quotation bubble
"Children are born, traditions are passed, the love continues on" in shape of a tree
"Sisters make the best friends" in pink flower
"Paws and enjoy life" in paw print
"Do all things with love" in tie-dye heart
"A teacher encourages tomorrow's dreams" in tie-dye star
"Always in my prayers" angel
"A Grandparent's house is where cousins become best friends" in shape of a house
"Friendship is not a big thing, it's a million little things" in floral pattern
"All visitors must be approved by the cat" in shape of a cat
"Little blessings make each day beautiful" with butterfly pattern
"True love has four paws" in shape of a dog
"Every day is a gift" in colorful rainbow
"Blessed" green dragonfly
"You are my sunshine" in sunshine
"Take a leap of faith" green frog
"The best things in life are furry" in paw print
"Only the best parents get promoted to grandparents" with star pattern
"When you dream big miracles happen" in cloud
"Without change there would be no butterflies" pink butterfly
"My dad my hero" with plaid pattern
"Slow down and enjoy life" blue turtle
"But first coffee" in coffee cup
"Let your colors shine" orange butterfly
"Faith Hope Love" angel
"You are enough" pink and purple bird
"Everything will be alright" colorful rainbow
"Dream" purple dragonfly
"Forever with the angels, always in our hearts" angel
"First my mother forever my friend" in floral heart
"Nursing is a work of heart" in shape of a heart with nursing cap
"Behind every woman there's a queen" in crown
"True friends are a blessing" blue and yellow bird
"Happy Hour starts now" in wine glass
"Live life...like a bee" honeycomb pattern
"Friends are family..." square
"Home is where your Mom is" floral pattern
"Friends Forever, No Matter What" square
"Today I'll Be Happy" pink pattern
"You Are My Sunshine" in rays of sunshine
"When You See A Cardinal" square
"Love What You Do" square
"Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there" starry square
"I said a prayer for you today" floral gray square