Celebrate your little hugasaurus with this pun-tastic dinosaur book for babies and toddlers, the perfect Valentine's Day gift!
Rawr means "I love you" in dinosaur! Filled with cute dinosaur puns, beautiful illustrations, and heartwarming message, I Love You More, Babysaur is a dinomite board book and keepsake families will love to read together again and again. Perfect for sharing with someone you love at any occasion, this sweet story also includes full dinosaur names and pronunciations!
The best book gift for:
- Dinosaur lovers and fans of I Love You Like No Otter
- Babies and toddlers ages 0-3. Made just for their little hands!
- Valentine's Day books for kids
- Baby showers and new parents
- Birthdays
- Holiday stocking stuffer or Christmas book for kids
- Easter basket stuffer
- and more!
You make my heart saur,
Above trees and mountains too.
I love you more than anything,
I spino know what I'd do without you